Many thanks to Donna and the other guild members who worked so hard to make our first guild dye day a success. While Phyllis gave us a lecture on the basics of natural dying, Donna was hard at work in the HFHF basement kitchen. After a soak in an alum and cream of tartar bath, the skeins hit a variety of onion skin baths: exhausted, average strength, and concentrated.
After removing the skeins from the onion bath, we then saw how different post-dye dips affected the color. Iron 'saddens' the color, ammonia intensifies and brightens, copper deepens the shades.
Hope to see all of you in July for Favorite Fiber Tools and spinning!
And if you have any interest in signing up for Carol and Debbie's workshop, please let Phyllis V. or Donna know ASAP! All money is due by June 25th.