Let's not critique the technique of Father Christmas...
Sunday, December 13, is our annual Holiday Celebration. Please bring a dish to pass - savory or sweet - your choice. You have plenty of time to diet after the New Year so let's enjoy the talents of our many good cooks.
Liz will be bringing a list and checking it twice. No, not Santa's Naughty List! You will be asked to check off the program idea(s) from the list we generated in the fall that you most wish to see in the upcoming year.
Were you participating in "The BIG One?" This is the meeting to shine like the 'roc' star you are! Bring in whatever you have to show. In my case lots of full bobbins. Thankfully, no one will be deducting points or fining you late fees. Everyone is welcome to show their progress as they continue to meet their personal goals.
Our Roc Day celebration will be held at our January meeting. Our guest speaker, Benjamin Streeter, will be giving us a short demo and lecture on the drop spindle. You are going to love this guy! He has an infectious smile and laugh that is sure to get your spinning mojo back to the max! Ben is a relatively new spinner, but I know you are going to be thoroughly impressed with the quality of his work. Please e-mail specific questions you have about drop spindles to me at commonthreadsspinningguild@gmail.com so that Ben may address your needs. Yes, he just that kind of accommodating guy!
So, we will see you Sunday with bells on to end another year of Common Threads!